[ms4w-users] Plugin mssql2008.dll missing in recent ms4w distribution

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Sep 10 08:52:47 EDT 2008

Ok I have filed a ticket for this 
(http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1944), and you can follow 
its progress by creating an account there and adding yourself to the CC 
of that bug.

Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

Maul, Andreas-Alexander wrote:
> Hi,
> since many of our data are stored in MSSQL-Server databases we are
> looking for an performance improved access to the data with mapserver
> 5.2. Reading RFC 38
> (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/rfc/ms-rfc-38), we are keen to
> try this plugin. The source code for the MSSQL Server 2008 plugin
> already exists in the mapserver trunk, but the compiled dll is not
> distributed with the recent ms4w packages up to now. We would appreciate
> it very much if the the plugin dll could be included in the ms4w
> distribution. 
> Best regards, 
> Andreas

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