[MS4W-Users] MS4W Beta 7 -- Python-Mapscript -- queryByRect strange behavior

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Nov 9 07:34:08 EST 2009

Christian Jauvin wrote:
> Hi,
> Following the problem description I posted last week, I have created a
> very simple test case: the attached Python script creates first a map
> by reading the attached mapfile, and then add five distinct point
> features to its only layer. It then performs a queryByRect that
> encompasses the whole layer (certain to retrieve the five features)
> and prints the results. On a Linux box running Python-MS 5.0, the
> results are:
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x8cf600> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x8d28a0> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x8d2a30> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x8d2c00> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x8d2dd0> >
> Five distinct objects, which is what is expected, whereas the same
> script running on Windows with the latest version of MS4W (3b7, thus
> running Python-MS 5.4), I get:
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x00B6DB40> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x00B6DAE0> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x00B6DB40> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x00B6DAE0> >
> <mapscript.shapeObj; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'shapeObj *' at 0x00B6DB40> >
> The problem I was describing is apparent here: the five features seem
> to be sharing in fact only two different objects (based on their
> pointer values).
> I am not familiar enough with the bowels of MapServer to be able to
> debug this problem by myself, so again, any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

Hello Christian,

You might also test with MapServer 5.6 beta5, which you can also find on 
the MS4W downloads page, as an add-on package.

Also, you could try another MapServer package on Windows (such as 

If you only see your issue when using MS4W, then you can file a ticket 
in MS4W's tracker 



Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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