[MS4W-Users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function pg_connect()

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri May 28 07:59:15 EST 2010

Hi Steve,

Yes this is a tricky issue on your server.  Did you try my suggestion in 
the last message?  (below)

 > Also, I am curious, what happens if you install this same old version on
 > that same machine but on its C:/ drive (or another drive other than
 > D:/)?  Meaning: download a new copy of that old MS4W version, extract at
 > another root, and retry your commandline tests.

More thoughts:

I wonder if you have some path set on your machine that is causing 
problems (you can view the PATH environment variable through My 
Computer/Advanced System Settings, or at the commandline by typing 
"set").  I don't know what path could be set, but I am wondering though 
if that could be it.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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