[Shapelib] Shapelib for mobile navigation purposes

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Jan 26 10:52:31 EST 2007

Constanze Tschritter wrote:
> I've got the road map as a shape file, so I wondered if it's possible
>  to do the route planning with the help of Shapelib. I couldn't find 
> anything related in the shapelib archives. Most people there were 
> interested in creating shape files. So I got a bit worried.
> Can anyone here please give me a hint how to get started?


First, I can confirm the Shapelib library can be used on Windows Mobile
without problems.

The Shapefile format itself doesn't provide any support for
routing operations.
If you want to implement routing for data stored in Shapefile(s),
it's feasible, but you will need to design the data structure yourself
and process the data to fit algorithms you are going to use.

Do you have an idea about what algorithms you're going to use and what
input data you need?

Mateusz Loskot

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