[FWTools] libpng not included in FWTools distribution

John Maurer maurerj at nsidc.org
Tue Jan 22 16:10:23 EST 2008

Hi everybody,
We're trying to build MapScript Perl against FWTools but are running 
into the problem that our Linux system's libpng is a newer version 
(1.2.5) than the one FWTools is compiled against (1.0.12), which ends up 
producing the following error messages:

libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.0.12
libpng warning: Application  is  running with png.c from libpng-1.2.5
gd-png:  fatal libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application 
and library

Can we request that the relevant png.h file be included in the FWTools 
"include" directory so that we can successfully compile MapScript Perl 
against FWTools? As it currently operates, the mapscript.so shared 
object gets compiled against our system libpng, then calls tools within 
FWTools that require the older version--which is causing the above error 
messages and preventing us from using MapScript Perl.

Thanks for any help!

John Maurer

John Maurer
Web/Database Applications Engineer
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
University of Colorado at Boulder
"Without geography, you're nowhere!"

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