[FWTools] Compile FWTools on Solaris (sparc)

Gregory Yetman gyetman at ciesin.columbia.edu
Mon Mar 16 12:37:01 EST 2009


I have managed to get GDAL compiled on one of our Sun development 
machines, it was surprisingly easy to do. I would like to get FWTools 
working as well but as far as I can tell this would require compiling 
all of the packages as the Linux binaries are x86. Has anyone done this 
or is there a good resource for working through the process?



Gregory Yetman
Senior Staff Associate
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
Columbia University
URL: http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/
e-mail: gyetman (at) ciesin.columbia.edu
tel: (845) 365-8982

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